Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Doubt your doubts and believe your beliefs.

oooo halfway done.

Day 16:  Your beliefs.

This is a really broad question.  Of course the first thing that come to mind are my beliefs on faith but there are so many other things you can have beliefs for. So I am going name a few that come to mind.
  • I believe that there is one God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Paul, Jesus, and myself.  He is loving, righteous, loyal, and just to everyone who chooses to believe in him and have a relationship.  He, in turn, makes those who follow him loving, righteous, loyal, and just.
  • I believe that if you hunt, you must eat what you kill.  No just for funsies.
  • I believe people waste too much.
  • I believe there shouldn't be a law against abortion.  However, I don't believe in abortion
  • I believe that Dennis Quaid has one of the best smiles in the world
  • I believe if you want change you have to be the change
  • I believe that complaining does no good and is annoying
  • I believe in "do unto others has you want them to do to you."  If you treat people with kindness and respect that is what you will get in return. 
  • I believe that everyone who is stressed out should take about 30 min and color.
  • I believe that it is creepy that the ipod  seems to know what song mood you are in.  Thanks Mirko Hall
  • I believe in tree hugging and leaf petting
  • I believe that the show Bridalplasty is a terrible show and my spirit hurts every time I see it while passing channels.  If only these women knew how beautiful they really were.
Well, I think that is sufficient for right now....

Yay for snow day #2!

-- created @ yadayadayo.blogspot.com --

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