Friday, November 5, 2010

Pressing on....

I have been in school for bout 20 years. 7 of those I have been in college.  That is a long time to have been in college.  I was really dumb my first few years of school and I wasted so much time and money getting my act together.  I know that I learned a lot in those years God did use it for his glory, but I still wish that they had been spent more usefully.
I went to advising last week to figure out my classes for Jan term and Spring.  All pf a sudden it hit me...I will be applying for student teaching next semester.  I was so thrown a back in that moment.  I have 3 more semesters of school left!  
There is always a guess part of me that lives with that regret of the wasted years.  So much so that I forget to look at want God is doing at this vary moment. How much I am accomplishing right now. All the things, the dreams that are finally coming true.  I am going to be a teacher!  It is so hard to think of my self as an adult because I have acted like a child for so long.  God is changing that.  He is changing me.

I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me. No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.
-- Philippians 3:12-14

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