Tuesday, December 12, 2006

"either one of us takes the wheel or all of us take the fall..."

I just want people to see that it doesn't matter what other people are doing.

The only thing that matters is YOU and GOD

other "Christians" that are acting supercilious and silly are not being christians.
Being a christian means you are following christ. Being saved and being a christian are not the same thing.

Yes it is a must that you have to me saved by Jesus Christ but there is SO MUCH MORE to it than that. There is a relationship with the most perfect friend you could ever have.

My hear aches for people to see this.

I do apologize to you that have been put off from beginning a relationship with God because there are people that truly don't understand what it is to be a christian. I am sorry to those of you that feel betrayed by your churches and leaders.

However, I also beg you to not look at God through these people but look at Him directly.

You would be surprised at what he can do.

I am speaking this all in complete love. I mean no condemnation or disrespect by any of it. I don't even know if anyone will read this. I do pray in the name of Jesus to anyone that does read this that something good will come out of it. That God has spoken through me to you.

With all his love and blessings,


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